
February 21, 2013
King of Math reviewed by German site Top Beste Apps: “König der Mathe­matik ist eine super Bildungs-App und ein Top-Spiel gleich­zeitig.”
Top Beste Apps

February 5, 2013
King of Math Junior reviewed by Top Best Apps For Kids: “All together, there are 10 books x 10 sections x 10 tasks = 1000 mathematical tasks, in one big marvelous educational math app for kids!”
Top Best Apps For Kids

January 31, 2013
King of Math Junior reviewed by German Kinder App Garten: “König der Mathe­ma­tik Junior trägt zurecht eine Krone. Die Lern-App ist für alle Klas­sen­stu­fen in der Grund­schule inter­es­sant, und sogar dar­über hinaus.”
Kinder App Garten

April 16, 2012
King of Math is one of the weeks Top iPad apps listed by Yahoo! News.
Yahoo! News

April 11, 2012
King of Math review by The iPhone Mom: “It will have you sharpening up your mental math skills without you even realizing it.”
The iPhone Mom

April 5, 2012
King of Math review by Best Apps For Kids: “Fantastic graphics and stimulating music in the background will keep our kids going.”
Best Apps For Kids

March 19, 2012
King of Math is one of “10 Great iOS Apps for Education”
Teaching News

December 29, 2011
King of Math is “App of the day”.
MacWorld Sweden

December 5, 2011
Review by AppTudes: “Math Formulas –  Reference Guide is a perfect app for High School or College students covering any math related topics in class”.

July 29, 2011
Math Formulas is no. 3 in “10 terrific apps to help out high school students”.

April 17, 2011
Wired blog GeekDad tests Math Formulas: “handy for reminding you of math formulas on the fly”.
Wired blog GeekDad

March 16, 2011
Math Formulas reviewed by Applicable2u: “a very user friendly educational app”.

March 15, 2011
Math Formulas is “App of the day”.
MacWorld Sweden